Changeset [aaf39eb16a8bdbf762313e8762d592e030493f99] by Julien Raigneau

July 25th, 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Committed by Julien Raigneau

  • A .bundle/environment.rb
  • A db/FILE
  • A db/development
  • A db/develpment
  • A db/test.sqlite3
  • A log/development.log
  • A public/images/feedback_tab.png
  • A tags
  • M app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
  • M db/development.sqlite3
  • M public/stylesheets/main.css
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Vauban is a simple webapplication to manage your web identities, i.e. all your accounts for all your web applications (gmail, facebook, linkedin, banking services…)

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